

Campus Address
Mailing Address

E119 Campus Recreation and Wellness Center
309 South Madison Street
Iowa City, IA 52242-2010
United States

DPP logo

liveWELL is offering the Diabetes Prevention Program from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to UI faculty and staff. You’ll get a full year of group support while focusing on strategies that work best for you to eat healthier, get more active, manage stress, and live a healthier lifestyle. 

One-Year Program

During the first half of the program, you will meet once per week. Session topics include:

  • Finding ways to incorporate healthy eating and meal planning into your routine.
  • Finding ways to fit in physical activity.
  • Respond to stress, coping with challenges, and getting back on track.
  • Building long term healthy habits.

In the second half of the program, you will meet one or twice a month, enhance the skills you've learned, and your lifestyle coach and group will continue to support you.


You must meet all of the following criteria:

  • University of Iowa faculty and staff in 50 percent or greater, regular positions
  • Complete the Personal Health Assessment
  • Be overweight (body mass index above 25)
  • Have not been diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  • Not be pregnant

In addition, you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Have had a recent blood test in the pre-diabetes range, which includes one of the following tests and results:
    • Hemoglobin A1C: 5.7–6.4 percent
    • Fasting plasma glucose 100–125 mg/dL
    • Two-hour plasma glucose (after a 75 gm glucose load) 140–199 mg/dL
  • Have received a result of high risk for type 2 diabetes on the Prediabetes Risk Test
  • A doctor previously diagnosed you with gestational diabetes

Upcoming Classes

Stay tuned for upcoming classes!

Info Sessions

Attending an online info session is required to register for the program. You only need to attend one info session. 

Register for an info session

Stay tuned for more DPP offerings. liveWELL will continue to offer DPP virtually and in person at a variety of locations and times to be accessible to eligible employees across the UI campus. 

Join our email communication list

Small Changes, Big Results

UI Diabetes Prevention Program Participant Success Stories


Tom Moore

Timothy Blake and Robyn Klein

Kris Williams