Types of Recognition
There are many ways University of Iowa leaders can recognize their individual employees and teams. As UI leaders, supervisors, and managers look to engage in current recognition opportunities or create new programs, there are several approaches to consider with peer-to-peer, team, and individual recognition efforts.

Celebrations on Campus
Celebrating on the University of Iowa campus can be experienced in many forms. Considering day-to-day operations, it is important for leaders to be aware of the opportunities available and help employees find time to engage in celebrations across campus.
Campus Awards

There are many current opportunities across campus to celebrate and nominate a deserving staff member, along with opportunities for employees and departments to receive additional funding to support recognition and professional development. As you look to create a recognition program, refer to existing campus-wide awards programs to see what new programs would be most impactful.
Step-By-Step Guide: Building a Recognition Program
Step 1: Specify the desired outcome.
- What outcomes are you looking for?
- Examples of outcomes: Improves unit goal accomplishment, Supports a culture of “Workplace of Choice;" Valuing staff effort supports the University’s mission; Staff will recognize the importance of their efforts.
- What policies and practices will drive your recognition program?
- Examples of practices: Recognition is clearly linked to unit goals; Open and fair process of awarding; Management and peer-to-peer opportunities, presented in a meaningful way; All staff have an opportunity to be recognized.
Step 2: Define a business purpose.
A business purpose may be defined as an effort that is of primary benefit to the university and its mission.
- Examples of business purposes include: to recognize unit goal accomplishments, to acknowledge performance that supports unit goals, to celebrate the success of a major change initiative, to recognize improvement in processes and services, etc.
Step 3: Describe and determine a recognition strategy.
What variety of strategies will you include in your plan, including supervisory, peer to peer recognition and unit celebrations?
- Informal efforts, e.g. thank you notes (paper, email, on-line), traveling trophies, Welcome Buddy system (staff orientation), “Everyone can be a leader” stickers, newsletter inserts, etc.
- Formal programs, i.e. results-based (project completion), customer satisfaction based, people working together (behind the scenes support), innovation-based (process improvement) and length of service.
- Appreciation efforts for:
- Unit - Activities may include: Retreats, holiday parties, potlucks, Staff Appreciation Luncheon.
- Teams/Workgroup - Activities may include: Friday pm popcorn break, Support Staff Day, celebrations for training graduations.
- Individual - Activities may include: recognition for work anniversaries, birthdays, end of probation, promotions, welcome cards to new staff, time for staff development, etc.
Step 4: Name the new recognition program or event.
The name of a recognition program should be a reflection of your departmental and institutional values. The recognition program or event name should convey meaning and be clear on what it is designed to celebrate and who could qualify for this program.
Step 5: Choose a type of award that employees would receive.
Some questions to ask when considering the type of award associated with your recognition program or an event could include:
- Should award recipients receive a certificate or physical award? Should there be a monetary value attached to the award? Maybe just a small token of appreciation or a standing agenda item during a team meeting?
- If an employee qualifies for the type of recognition chosen, what may they be invited to? A dinner? Banquet? Is it a free lunch provided in lieu of a team meeting?
Every recognition program has a different level of recognition available for employees depending on the purpose of the award. Awards should validate the magnitude of this effort.
Step 6: Identify the funding source.
In order to use University funds for staff recognition and appreciation efforts, a written program needs to be reviewed by and filed with the Senior HR Representative and the Budget Officer. An annual review of the program is required.
For recognition and appreciation efforts that are paid with University funds, please include:
- the funding source (Fund number, e.g. 050, 240),
- the classifications of staff who receive the recognition or appreciation, and
- the business purpose for the use of the funds.
Note: The Senior HR Representative and Budget Officer will check that these elements are covered.
Step 7: Determine the processes to administer the program or event.
- For instance, twice a year nominations are reviewed by a departmental committee.
- OR Nominations are taken once a year through workflow and are reviewed through a workflow path.
Allow those who may have interest in recognition in your department and those who may have expertise in the qualities being recognized to be involved. Determine leadership involvement and ensure clear expectations in roles and responsibilities.
Step 8: Draft a communication plan.
What methods will be used to ensure that staff are aware of events, peer recognition opportunities, staff celebration, etc.? Use the questions below to maintain the continued success of your program.
- How will your area keep the program current and vital?
- How will you evaluate the success of your department’s efforts?
- What outcomes occurred?
- What will be changed in the future?
Step 9: Implement your recognition program or event.
- Ensure that your program meets the Taxation of Gifts, Prizes, and Awards to Employees, UI Policy Manual, University Guidelines for Cash Awards and Gift Certificates, & UI Cash Handling Guidelines.
- The Business Office and Accounts Payable welcome the opportunity at this time to review with departments their proposed program to ensure that University funds are being used appropriately. Contact the following for assistance:
- Payroll Reporting: Terri Hein, Director, UI Payroll Tax
- Processing of Payments: Deb Zumbach, Associate VP and Director, Purchasing and Business Services
- Taxability and Documentation Requirements: Tom Peifer, University Tax Manager
- Provide a copy to your Senior HR Representative and your Budget Officer for their approval and signature.
- The departmental recognition program should be available to all staff, i.e. shared drive, posted centrally, etc.
- All staff who submit costs for staff recognition or appreciation must report their written program to Accounts Payable.
Also include the following:
- Prepared by:
- Campus Address
- Phone Number
- Name of Department Head/Designated Official
- Senior HR Representative
- Budget Officer
Step 10: Maintain and evaluate your recognition program or event.
It is important to have clear communication plans, program/event policies, and roles and responsibilities in place so that your recognition efforts can continue to positively impact UI employees for many years. As values or priorities change within your department, re-evaluate to ensure recognition programs continue to have the desired outcomes and impacts they were originally intended to have.
Build a Recognition Program- DIY Document