
Organizational Effectiveness

Campus Address
121-50 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 50
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

Across employee groups, nearly 20 percent of UI staff and faculty leave the university within their first year on the job. The following resources can help you address issues that impact retention.

References and Links

Professional and Organizational Development: Overview of programs that support individual employees and work groups, from free career advising to leadership programs to courses and workshops.

Professional and Scientific Compensation: Breakdowns of P&S classifications and pay levels and a guide to pay practices including annual increases, market adjustments, and more.

Merit Compensation: Intro to pay practices for Merit staff positions, with links to pay plans and additional info.

Faculty Development: The Office of the Provost provides a comprehensive guide to faculty development resources, including training, leadership programs, awards, and more.

Faculty Promotion and Tenure: Information about promotion and tenure procedures provided by the Office of the Provost.

Faculty Support and Safety Guidance: Guide for supporting faculty (PDF) targeted in social media or by outside organizations for their professional activities and interests. Pays particular attention to targeting of underrepresented faculty.

Employee Well-Being Resources: Faculty and staff have access to a host of programs that support well-being and work/life balance, from wellness services to free counseling to support for family needs.

EAP Support for Supervisors: The Employee Assistance Program provides information about consultations and referrals designed to help supervisors assist employees dealing with challenges at work or at home.

Workplace Flexibility: Telecommuting, reduced hours, compressed schedules, and other options can help employees balance work with other commitments—find info on developing and evaluating flexible work arrangements

Faculty and Staff Disability Services: Information about family/medical leave and workplace accommodations for employees with disabilities.

See the Engagement and Retention Policy Guide for links to key policies.