As a benefits-eligible faculty and staff member, you must participate in the group life insurance plan at two times your salary and the Long-Term Disability plan. Both of these benefits are provided by the University at no cost.

In addition, you may sign up for the following voluntary life and disability insurance plans:

  • Voluntary Term Life (VTL) Insurance (supplemental life insurance for the employee only)
  • Voluntary Term Life for spouses/domestic partners and dependent(s) (To select this option, you must enroll yourself in the VTL plan first)
  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance (AD&D)

Mandatory Life and Disability Benefits

Illustration of a group of five people.

Group Life Insurance

University-paid coverage for employee only

Participation in the group term life insurance program is required for any regular benefit-eligible employee. The university will automatically cover two times your salary. 

person sitting in wheelchair

Long-Term Disability Insurance

University-paid coverage for employee only

Long-Term Disability (LTD) provides 60% salary replacement for up to two years for employees who become disabled while they are actively employed. No enrollment necessary. 

Voluntary Life and Disability Insurance Plans

Icon showing chain links

Voluntary Term Life Insurance

Optional additional insurance for employee only

This optional insurance allows the employee to acquire additional life insurance from 1/2 to 3-1/2 times their salary. 

Illustration of people in house.

Voluntary Term Life Insurance

Spouse/Partners and Dependent Children

A voluntary program available to benefit-eligible employees to obtain life insurance for their spouse/domestic partner and/or their dependent(s).

picture of one crutch

AD&D Insurance

Voluntary plan option for employee and family coverage

The policy provides coverage for accidental deaths or dismemberment. Coverage begins at $100,000 and goes up to 1 million in $100,000 dollar increments. 

All of our life insurance plans are administered by Principal Financial Group. 

Convert or port your life insurance plans

Find general continuation information and conversion forms and rates:

Compare Conversion versus Porting your Group Life Insurance (pdf)



Long-Term Disability 

(No enrollment needed)

A faculty and staff member who becomes disabled may be entitled to disability insurance payments. The university provides this coverage to faculty and staff members who hold a regular appointment of at least 50% time. The insurance benefit amount is based on the individual's monthly budgeted salary.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D)

(Enroll during new hire enrollment or the annual open enrollment period)

This voluntary insurance protects both occupational and non-occupational accidents. Coverage is worldwide, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, against specific injuries resulting from a covered accident in the course of business or pleasure, including accidents on or off the job, in or away from home, commuting, traveling by train, airplane, automobile, or other public and private conveyances.