
Leadership Development

Campus Address
121-50 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building., Suite. 50
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States

OE will assign you a leadership coach during the consult process to guide you through your 360 assessment journey. Your leadership coach can consult with you to determine which of the four assessment tools will give you the best results and tailor an approach that fits your needs. Contact OE to request access to 360's (via the UI's contract with Envisia Learning). 

Executive View 360

3 employees in a board room icon


Designed for: Senior Level Administrators

Leader View 360

Leader climbing and planting a flag icon


Designed for:  Mid-to-Senior Level Leaders

Manager View 360

Teacher helping a student


Designed for: Front-line Supervisor to Mid-level Managers

Emotional Intelligence View 360

person raising their hand icon


Designed for: Leaders at all Levels

Executive View 360

Designed for the most senior level leaders.

Executive View 360 assesses 22 critical competencies required for effective senior leadership and effectiveness. The 360-degree feedback competencies are divided into four major areas based on job profiling of executive positions for talent management systems:

  • Performance Leadership
  • Change Leadership
  • Interpersonal Leadership
  • Personal Leadership

It provides a comprehensive summary 360-degree feedback report comparing senior executive self perceptions to those of Board Members, managers, direct reports, peers and team members. Executive View 360 is a comprehensive 360-degree feedback tool for rigorous, in-depth report of strengths and developmental needs for the senior executives and leaders in all industries. It is aimed at senior executives who would prefer a more detailed analysis and comprehensive 360-degree feedback development tool. With explicit information and appropriate feedback, senior level executives can become extraordinary leaders within his/her organization.

Leader View 360

Designed for mid-level to senior-level leaders.

Leader View 360 focuses on critical leadership competencies. It offers a brief, yet powerful, measure of 35 concise behaviors measuring seven core competencies required for success in leadership. NOTE: Does not contain the “Team Member” rater category.

The seven core competencies that Leader View 360 measures are:

  • Planning
  • Problem Solving
  • Controlling
  • Self-management
  • Managing relationships
  • Leading
  • Communicating

Leader View 360 is aimed at senior managers and directors and can help to focus on enhancing overall leadership effectiveness. It provides a comprehensive summary 360-degree feedback report including a practical individual effectiveness plan to facilitate professional development.

Leader View 360 is less comprehensive than Manager View 360, but provides a concise and brief 360-degree feedback assessment focusing exclusively on critical leadership behaviors required for competitive performance in today's organization.

Manager View 360

Designed for front-line supervisors to mid-level managers.

Are you looking for a tool to support your supervisory and management training? How about coaching? Manager View 360 is perfect for both! It measures 20 core competencies and will support your efforts with a comprehensive feedback report.

Manager View 360 assesses 20 critical managerial competencies required for effective leadership and managerial effectiveness. The 360-degree feedback competencies are divided into four major areas based on extensive job analyses of managerial positions in various industries:

  • Leadership/Performance Management
  • Interpersonal
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving

Manager View 360 is a comprehensive 360-degree feedback tool for rigorous, in-depth report of strengths and developmental needs. It is aimed at supervisory, middle to senior managers who would prefer a more detailed analysis and comprehensive development tool. It provides a comprehensive summary 360-degree feedback report with specific developmental suggestions, on-the-job activities, website resources and suggested workshops that can be easily customized to meet the needs of any organization. It is available online and has been translated into both Spanish and Portuguese.

Emotional Intelligence View 360

Designed for employees of all levels. This product may best fit individuals who are not in current management or leadership roles.

This tool is based on the most recent conceptual models of emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence View 360 provides the insight required to enhance relationship management skills. It’s most useful for targeted feedback on interpersonal, social, and communication competencies. Emotional Intelligence View 360 assesses key Emotional Intelligence competencies in three main areas:

  • Self-Management
  • Relationship-Management
  • Communication

The comprehensive 360-degree feedback report is designed to enhance both self-awareness and relationship management skills. Emotional Intelligence View 360 is suitable for coaching, leadership and professional development programs.

Emotional Intelligence View  360 was developed by Kenneth M. Nowack, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist and researcher in the area of 360-degree feedback, emotional intelligence and occupational health. Dr. Nowack is a member in Daniel Goleman's Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations.

Reprinted with permission from Envisia Learning.


Visit Envisia learning for more information on validated assessments and to view validity reports and research information.