
Organizational Effectiveness

Campus Address
121-50 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 50
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

An effective search and successful hire begin with planning. These resources can help you assess workforce needs, define positions, and determine the best option for filling a job.

References and Links

Workforce and Workload Planning: Organizational Development can help you anticipate workforce needs and distribute workloads efficiently and fairly.

Establishing New Positions: Compensation and Classification provides comprehensive guides to creating and updating staff job descriptions. 

Career Development for Current Employees: Sometimes the best personnel decisions involve developing and promoting people from within—find info on Career Development Advising Services and the university’s comprehensive Learning and Development options.

Internal Postings: Hiring departments and senior HR leaders can opt to post positions for internal candidates only, targeting all university employees or narrowing scope to individual orgs and departments.

Temporary Postings: Most UI jobs can be filled on a temporary basis—find info on temporary postings and temporary appointments.

Recruitment Manual: Developed by the Office of Civil Rights Compliance, the recruitment manual offers best practices for searches, including a guide to the candidate selection process.

Faculty Recruitment Process: The Office of the Provost provides a guide to recruitment, selection, and offer processes for faculty positions, plus related resources.

See Hiring Info and Resources for advertising, search process, interviewing, offers, and related topics.