

Campus Address
Mailing Address

E119 Campus Recreation and Wellness Center
309 South Madison Street
Iowa City, IA 52242-2010
United States

Resilience is the process of adapting in the face of adversity or significant stress. It is a set of skills that can be developed by intentionally changing thoughts and behaviors.

outline graphic of person with roots growing below them against green background

Recharge⁺ ™

Looking for tips and strategies to help build resiliency? Sign up for Recharge+, a text-based resiliency-boosting program! Recharge+ is designed to help you identify and build the skills you need to bounce back from whatever life throws your way.


Recharge+ image


Click Here For Information on Recharge+

Featured Resilience Videos

In response to the growing uncertainty and heightened stress during this unprecedented time, we have created several new videos to help you navigate. Find additional video resources from liveWELL and its wellness partners.

Mindful Moment

Staying Active

Research and Resources

Campus Resources