Conflict Management Resources: Describes options and tools for addressing conflicts, as well as procedures for administrative review of conflicts and concerns and grievance procedures for various staff groups.
Faculty Dispute Procedures: Outlines process for addressing disputes over tenure, promotion, and reappointment; grievances; ethics; unacceptable performance; and clinical faculty promotion or reappointment.
Student Employee Grievance Procedures: Addresses difference, complaints, or disputes involving student employment.
Anti-Retaliation: Protects individuals who’ve made good-faith reports of policy violations.
Extra Compensation for University Faculty and Staff: Provides procedural guidelines for any compensation beyond base salary.
Taxation of Gifts, Prizes, and Awards to Employees: Policies for purchasing, reporting, and taxing gift certificates, non-cash awards, etc.
Leaves of Absence: Outlines policies governing leaves of absence, usually (but not always) without compensation.
Paid Absences: Includes complete guide to policies governing paid leave of all kinds.
Family and Medical Leave Act: Describes employee rights under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Flexible Work Arrangements: Outlines options for developing flexible work arrangements (telecommuting, compresses schedules, job sharing, etc.).