- Delivering Performance Reviews: A Guide for Managers (LinkedIn Learning document)
- Performance Review for University Staff, Policy Manual
- Keeping Your Employee Engaged
- Universal Competencies
- UI Health Care WE CARE Values
- Angry with Your Boss over a Bad Performance Review? Here's What You Should Do. (blog post, Crucial Learning)
- Individual Development Plan (IDP) template (docx)
- Goal template (docx)
- Merit Self-Assessment template (docx)
- Best Practices for Requesting Feedback (pdf)
A range of topics are covered through UI Learning & Developments classes and series:
Performance Consultation
Supervisors who would like help or support with conducting a performance review or giving performance feedback may email Sean Hesler in Organizational Effectiveness.
It's equally important to recognize positive performance and address poor performance. For assistance in performance improvement please consult with your HR unit representative, senior HR leader or Employee and Labor Relations.