Blue Collar
- 11-10-20 Final Certified Order (AFSCME Blue Collar) (pdf)
- 10-27-20 Notice of Preliminary Results (AFSCME Blue Collar) (pdf)
- 09-16-20 Notice of Election (AFSCME Blue Collar) (pdf)
- 08-27-20 Notice to Employees (AFSCME Blue Collar) (pdf)
- 08-27-20 Notice of Intent Recert Election (AFSCME Blue Collar) (pdf)
- 11-10-20 Final Certified Order (AFSCME Clerical) (pdf)
- 10-27-20 Notice of Preliminary Results (AFSCME Clerical) (pdf)
- 09-16-20 Notice of Election (AFSCME Clerical) (pdf)
- 08-27-20 Notice to Employees (AFSCME Clerical) (pdf)
- 08-27-20 Notice of Intent Recert Election (AFSCME Clerical) (pdf)
- 11-10-20 Final Certified Order (AFSCME Security) (pdf)
- 10-27-20 Notice of Preliminary Results (AFSCME Security) (pdf)
- 09-16-20 Notice of Election (AFSCME Security) (pdf)
- 08-27-20 Notice to Employees (AFSCME Security) (pdf)
- 08-27-20 Notice of Intent Recert Election (AFSCME Security) (pdf)
- 11-10-20 Final Certified Order (AFSCME Technical) (pdf)
- 10-27-20 Notice of Preliminary Results (AFSCME Technical) (pdf)
- 09-16-20 Notice of Election (AFSCME Technical) (pdf)
- 08-27-20 Notice to Employees (AFSCME Technical) (pdf)
- 08-27-20 Notice of Intent Recert Election (AFSCME Technical) (pdf)
- 11-10-20 Final Certified Order (COGS) (pdf)
- 10-27-20 Notice of Preliminary Results (COGS) (pdf)
- 09-16-20 Notice of Election (COGS) (pdf)
- 08-27-20 Notice to Employees (COGS) (pdf)
- 08-27-20 Notice of Intent of Election (COGS) (pdf)
- 11-10-20 Final Certified Order (SEIU) (pdf)
- 10-27-20 Notice of Preliminary Results (SEIU) (pdf)
- 09-16-20 Notice of Election (SEIU) (pdf)
- 08-27-20 Notice to Employees (SEIU) (pdf)
- 08-27-20 Notice of Intent of Election (SEIU) (pdf)