References and Links
Professional and Organizational Development: Overview of programs that support individual employees and work groups, from free career advising to leadership programs to courses and workshops.
Professional and Scientific Compensation: Breakdowns of P&S classifications and pay levels and a guide to pay practices including annual increases, market adjustments, and more.
Merit Compensation: Intro to pay practices for Merit staff positions, with links to pay plans and additional info.
Faculty Development: The Office of the Provost provides a comprehensive guide to faculty development resources, including training, leadership programs, awards, and more.
Faculty Promotion and Tenure: Information about promotion and tenure procedures provided by the Office of the Provost.
Faculty Support and Safety Guidance: Guide for supporting faculty (PDF) targeted in social media or by outside organizations for their professional activities and interests. Pays particular attention to targeting of underrepresented faculty.
Employee Well-Being Resources: Faculty and staff have access to a host of programs that support well-being and work/life balance, from wellness services to free counseling to support for family needs.
EAP Support for Supervisors: The Employee Assistance Program provides information about consultations and referrals designed to help supervisors assist employees dealing with challenges at work or at home.
Workplace Flexibility: Telecommuting, reduced hours, compressed schedules, and other options can help employees balance work with other commitments—find info on developing and evaluating flexible work arrangements.
Faculty and Staff Disability Services: Information about family/medical leave and workplace accommodations for employees with disabilities.