
Organizational Effectiveness

Campus Address
121-50 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 50
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

Work and Strategic Goal Alignment

Keeping focused on the "big picture" and how you contribute can get diluted as you get busy doing your day to day job duties. Watch the video, Two Questions That Can Change Your Life, to keep you on track.

Performance Expectations

By 90 days you are expected to be well on your way to being a productive member of the work team and if you are a Merit employee, you are half way through your probationary period. 

P&S employees can begin documenting progress and accomplishments in the performance tool in Employee Self-Service and Merit employees can discuss with their supervisor how they want goals and accomplishments to be tracked leading up to the annual review. 

Have you and your supervisor talked about how you are progressing? A way to start that conversation might be, “Have I been meeting your expectations for learning and performance at this point in my employment?”  Your supervisor may use feed forward as a way to give you some pointers for improvement or you may want to use it with coworkers or valued “customers’ you serve.

Below are some ideas to help you be a productive and high performing employee:

Work Life and Wellness

Do you have balance in your workday? Taking short breaks or balancing regular tasks with challenging projects will keep you working well. Here is an article on Six Ways to Refuel Your Energy Every Day.

If you are looking for ergonomic suggestions or assistance, the UI Ergonomics Program is a great place to start.


Continuous professional development and improvement is necessary and expected in our work. Have you thought about and discussed with your supervisor how you can be more efficient and effective in your duties, or how you can expand on your skills? Being open to developmental coaching is a great way to continue to develop your skills and enhance your performance. You can learn about other professional development resources, such as: