
Learning and Development

Campus Address
121-51 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 51
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

Many University of Iowa teams have adopted remote work, hybrid work, flexible schedules and similar arrangements as permanent options for employees. The resources offered here aim to help teams stay productive, collaborative, and engaged regardless of where and how they work.

These pages focus on general tips, proven practices, professional development, and supervisory considerations for employees and teams. For information about establishing and managing remote work, hybrid work, flexible schedules, or other arrangements, see Workplace Flexibility.

    General Tips

    Establishing a routine and creating a remote workspace

    Communication Routines

    Staying connected and coordinating work from a distance

    Optimizing Technology

    Making sure you have what you need to perform your work and stay in touch

    At-Home Ergonomics

    Improving comfort, boosting efficiency, and preventing injury


    Maintaining work-life balance and personal health and well-being

    Professional Development

    Creating an individual development plan and pursuing training

    Supervision and Engagement

    Managing remote teams, including using stay interviews to build engagement