
Organizational Effectiveness

Campus Address
121-50 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 50
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

Onboarding describes the process of welcoming and supporting employees as they transition to new positions at the University of Iowa. It’s a way of investing in people and getting them engaged.

References and Links

Onboarding Info for Supervisors: Advice on effective onboarding practices—setting expectations, introducing resources, planning development, etc. 

Community Expectations: Summary of UI core values, key policies, and other expectations for all University of Iowa employees.

Work Rules: Guide to rules that set basic expectations for performance, attendance, personal actions, and more.

Onboarding Resources for Employees: Guide to units, services, and resources designed especially for new hires. Includes new job tips (plus tips aimed especially at new supervisors) and information about special considerations that come with working at a public university.

New Employee Orientation: General information and schedules for orientation sessions aimed at new university and new UI Health Care staff.

Benefits Info for New Employees: Developed by University Benefits, an introductory guide to the benefits enrollment process and available benefits options.

New and Early Career Faculty Resources: From the Office of the Provost, a guide for new faculty including info about faculty orientation.

See the Recruiting, Hiring, and Onboarding Policy Guide for links to key policies.