
Organizational Effectiveness

Campus Address
121-50 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 50
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

The university’s Policy Manual is the central resource for most policies on access, opportunity, and diversity. Following are links to some of the most relevant sections:

Nondiscrimination Statement: Prohibits discrimination based on any classification that deprives a person of consideration as an individual and assures equal opportunity and access. 

Statement on Diversity: Affirms the university’s belief that diversity enhances the educational experience and is a valuable factor in employee recruitment.

Human Rights Policy: Asserts commitment to equal treatment and outlines processes for discrimination complaints, sanctions, appeals, protection from retaliation, and related considerations.

Anti-Retaliation: Protects individuals who’ve made good-faith reports of policy violations.

Disability Protection Policy and Accessibility Statement: Commits to affirmative steps to employ and advance people with disabilities and ensure that university events are accessible.

Affirmative Action Employment Guidelines: Outlines processes for fair and equitable recruitment and consideration of candidates.

Employment Guidelines for Leadership Positions: Additional guidelines for filling executive, administrative, and managerial staff positions or faculty positions with significant administrative responsibilities.

Policies, Laws and Related Resources, managed by the Division of Access, Opportunity, and Diversity, also provides information about these policies and related resources.