
Future of Work@Iowa

Find links or downloads for Future of Work planning tools, detailed guidelines, and other resources below. Original recommendations summaries from project subcommittees—subsequently integrated into the full Future of Work report—also are available.

Supporting Documents

Materials and tools referenced in the Future of Work report.

  • Work Arrangement Reporting Application: Employee Self Service tool for documenting work locations and time spent working remotely, work schedules that differ from standard schedules, and related factors.
  • Off-Campus Office Set-up GuideGuidelines for equipping remote workspaces using university-owned IT equipment, non-IT equipment, and supplies. Defines equipment and supplies provided by the university and by employees working remotely.
  • Space Planning Template (Excel): Draft tool used by space planning staff to assess office and meeting space needs as colleges/divisions consider remote work or other arrangements.
  • Office/Meeting Space Typologies (PDF): Definitions and examples of potential office and meeting space types that can support remote/hybrid work.

Subcommittee Summaries

Initial recommendation from Future of Work subcommittees. Subsequently refined and integrated into full Future of Work report. Provided here for additional background.