Practice mindful moments by engaging all five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell. The activities for week one will challenge you to focus on your senses, improve self-awareness, and be present with the world around you. Keep track of your activities with the Mindful Moments Daily Planner. Week 1 Activities: 1. Walk or sit in nature, focusing on the colors you see. 2. Listen to your favorite music. 3. De-clutter your environment to help clear your mind. 4. Practice mindful eating. Eliminate distractions and pay attention to flavors and textures of food. Use the Hunger and Fullness scale to practice recognizing when you are hungry and when you are full. ![]() 5. Do a quick body scan while lying or sitting down. 6. Recognize physical feelings of self-care. 7. Practice the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding technique on a walk around campus. Watch this short video for instructions on this technique.
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Week 1 bonus code: stay grounded