Work and Goal Alignment
A leader’s performance and behaviors directly affect the performance and engagement of their staff. As you approach your first anniversary of employment, you might want to reflect on the goals you are accomplishing.
- Do your goals reflect the mission and goals of the University and department?
- Are your behaviors in meeting those goals consistent with the competencies for your position and expectations?
- Are you regularly getting feedback about your leadership behaviors from your supervisor, peers, and direct reports?
Performance Expectations
How well have you done in clarifying expectations for those you supervise? How about providing feedback, recognition, and development opportunities for your direct reports? Research has shown these are important elements of employee engagement. The bi-annual Working at Iowa survey seeks to understand employee engagement levels, and includes responses to the following statements, among others.
- I know my work expectations and understand how my job fits into the overall mission of the university;
- My supervisor treats me with respect;
- I would recommend the UI to a friend seeking employment;
- My unit provides a supportive environment to retain individuals; and
- Individuals in my unit are civil and respectful to each other.
Work Life and Wellness
Engaged staff are also healthy.
- How are you modeling work-life integration and participation in wellness initiatives?
- Do you have an active and supported Wellness Ambassador in your area?
Continue to learn about the services and programs the UI has to offer for your and your staff’s personal and workplace success by visiting the UI Organizational Effectiveness website.