
Compensation and Classification

Campus Address
121-11 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 11
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

To recognize significant and sustained career advancement within the classification as demonstrated by new duties, new skills, additional key areas of responsibility, expanded scope and/or advanced competency.  The key areas of responsibility of the current classification still remain the best fit overall for the work performed.

Requests for career advancement adjustments may be initiated by the staff member, the department or jointly, and are submitted to the college/division (org). The department or org may deny a request.

The new duties and responsibilities should be performed for an appropriate period of time that is sufficient enough to evaluate the employee’s performance and continuing success in the role. The evaluation period is at the discretion of the college/division, and is often between 3 and 6 months.  Examples that do not warrant a career advancement include but not limited to: ad-hoc project(s) completion, short-term duties shift, non-job-related certification(s) or degree(s) acquirement, one-time presentation or conference representation, etc.  The new responsibilities must not have been recognized in previous classification and/or compensation decisions. If it is later determined that the employee is unable to continue performing the new duties and responsibilities, their salary should be reduced accordingly.

Salary increase of 1-5% for career advancement within the current classification, not to exceed range maximum, and consistent with the responsibilities and performance of others within the same budgetary unit.  In exceptional cases, the employee’s responsibilities, performance, and market analysis may support a salary increase outside of the defined parameters.  Any increase outside of the normal range must also follow “Market Adjustment” procedure and approved by University Human Resources, not to exceed the market range maximum.

Approval of Salary Increase

Org level Human Resources approval if new salary is below or within median zone, not to exceed one in-classification increase per individual per fiscal year.  The procedures for requests, approval and appeal of career advancements are outlined in the University Policy Manual, Part III Section 3.7.

University Human Resources must approve:

  • More than one in-classification increase per individual per fiscal year (regardless of relationship to median zone), or
  • Any salary above the median zone, or
  • Any salary in a classification in an open pay range (9 & 10), or
  • Any salary increase above 5%, as submitted through the market adjustment review process.

Effective date is the 1st day of the month following College/Division approval.

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