
Learning and Development

Campus Address
121-51 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 51
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

Communication and coordination are the biggest challenges remote or hybrid teams face. These tips can help establish effective routines.

"Everybody-in" Attitude

Coworkers and colleagues should commit to keeping lines of communication open. Remember that effective communication can continue with the use of the right tools and a commitment to one another.

Regular Check-Ins

Virtual huddles using Zoom or Skype (see ITS’s guide to remote work tools) can keep everyone on the same page. See these tips:

Skype or Teams Messaging

Messaging via Skype or Teams is a convenient way to stay in touch with coworkers. Keeping your status (available, busy, away, etc.) current is the best way to encourage respectful, timely, and quick communication with colleagues. 

If a chat conversation builds to numerous interactions, make a phone call or online meeting and discuss instead. Whichever platform you use, learn how to connect to a small group by adding more people.

Conference Call Best Practices

Use best practices when on conference calls. ITS provides information regarding Online Meeting Etiquette that has excellent tips and reminders. It’s likely that you will be participating in more conference calls than normal, so be mindful of the following simple steps:

Conference call leaders:

  • Publish an agenda.
  • Take attendance.
  • Encourage people to say their name before speaking (i.e., “This is Debbie—I have a question…”) especially if it’s a large group call or a call among unfamiliar people where voices are not immediately recognized.
  • Keep to the published meeting time.
  • If the call is with a very large group, encourage participants to place their phones on mute until they are ready to speak

Conference call participants:

  • Do your best not to talk over others as it becomes very difficult to hear.  
  • Identify yourself before you make your main point or ask your question.
  • Mute your microphone until you're ready to speak.