University Human Resources has redesigned its website to provide faster access to most-used pages, better introduce programs and services, and show improved performance on mobile phones. Here's a quick guided tour:
Main Menu
Shown on every page, the main menu includes items useful to all University of Iowa employees, whether they're new to campus or longtime members of the university community. Dropdown menus link directly to key pages, while top-level "landing pages" provide brief introductions to topics like Benefits, Pay, Well-Being, etc.

Landing Pages
Each main-menu item also links to a "landing page" with brief introductions to related topics, programs, and services. Some landing pages also will include relevant news listings, events, and other information.

Home Page
The new home page will highlight what matters most from week to week, with emphasis on new initiatives, deadlines, etc. It also will offer regularly changing showcases for different HR services, providing a glimpse of everything available to university employees.

Links to Self Service, Jobs@UIOWA
The home page also provides permanent showcases for Employee Self Service and Jobs@UIOWA, sister sites also recently redesigned.
Footer Links
Also shown on every page, footer menus are designed with campus HR professionals, supervisors, and administrators. They provide links to pages for UHR Administrative Services, contact info and staff listings for UHR units, new or special initiatives, and frequently used tools.
UHR developed the new site with ITS Web Services, with consultation and UI photography provided by the Office of Strategic Communication. Post-launch evaluation will incorporate user feedback, traffic stats, and other data to plan ongoing improvements.