
Organizational Effectiveness-Working at Iowa

Campus Address
121-51 USB
Mailing Address

121 University Services Building, Suite 51
Iowa City, IA 52242-1911
United States

Communicating how we plan to use the results of the survey to create action is important, but there is no need to re-create the wheel when it comes to this communication.


Following is an example of possible language for communicating with your college or unit. Please personalize for your situation.


A big thank you to all who responded to the Working at Iowa survey. Your willingness to share your perspectives is greatly appreciated and will be taken seriously.

You should expect the following follow-up activities with respect to the survey results.

  • Survey results will be shared with the faculty and staff in the [college] at the earliest opportunity after release in January 2023.
  • I will be reviewing these results with several groups within the college, but most importantly the College Council. This group will need to consider what responses are appropriate given the survey results. We need to both celebrate points of pride in the survey, and be ready to respond where we see areas for improvement. I will be reporting back from this group and their deliberations to the college.
  • Where possible, there will be more targeted conversations for sub-units within the college.

At a minimum, my goal is to find at least one area of focus to work on that is strategic to our success, find at least two actions we can take to improve our overall productivity and effectiveness, and communicate each with you before, during, and after our action plan is executed.

As always, I am always happy to hear from you if you have other ideas about the data or how to use them. The most important thing is to utilize these “snapshots” to help us create an inclusive working environment that supports and nurtures all.

Again, many thanks to you all.