
UI employees participate in 2022 Pentacrest Tree Tour

Discover Your University sets dates, activities for spring

Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Discover Your University will take place again this spring as an opportunity for University of Iowa faculty and staff to explore campus.
 Caring hands held across table

Family Services: A Caregiving Story

Wednesday, March 15, 2023
When UI faculty member David Iglehart and his siblings realized their parents could no longer live on their own, Rhonda Halterman from LivWell Seniors helped them understand their options.
Exercise bands and dumbbells lying on a wooden surface.

Small Changes, Big Results with liveWELL Health Coach Service

Wednesday, March 8, 2023
A health coach is a non-judgmental and confidential partner who can help you make simple and sustainable changes, overcome obstacles, and explore strategies to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Take advantage of your benefits and meet with a health coach!

Meet the Health Coach

Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Health Coach Sara Cathi, RDN, LD shares her top five healthy eating tips.
colorfully dressed people sitting in classroom chairs in the aisle of the UI Museum Natural History with notebooks and pens in hand/lap

Exploring the Exhibits: Why Museums are Good for Well-Being

Friday, January 27, 2023
Read how museums are good for well-being in this Q&A article with Carolina Kaufman, M.Ed., Director of Education and Engagement Programs at the University of Iowa Pentacrest Museums. Learn ways you and your family, friends, or work group can get involved with our historical campus museums.
Partial view of person seated on couch with hands folded in lap

In Need of a Wellness Check? There Is No Reason Too Small to Meet with UI EAP

Friday, January 20, 2023
The UI Employee Assistance Program supports employees with any issue an employee wants to address. There is no reason too small to visit the UI Employee Assistance Program (UI EAP.) Your well-being matters. Take time to check in with yourself. Learn more about reasons to visit UI EAP and what to expect during your visits.
Joni Troester speaking to group at PHA Award 2022 ceremony

Culture of Well-Being Achievement 2022 

Wednesday, January 4, 2023
Congratulations to UI organizational leaders and wellness teams who have inspired their employees to engage in well-being by taking their Personal Health Assessment in 2022!

Health Coaching Impacts Staff Member 10+ Years Later

Wednesday, November 2, 2022
UI Staff Council Member Brett Cloyd made a video to encourage his fellow UI employees to make use of the liveWELL Health Coach Service.
 Caring hands held across table

Are you OK?

Monday, October 10, 2022
Suicide prevention awareness, tips, and resources from Bronwyn Threlkeld-Wiegand, Director of UI Employee Assistance Program.

Free Flu Vaccinations Available Starting Sept. 12

Friday, September 2, 2022
University of Iowa employees can get the flu vaccine for free at locations across campus or at the University Employee Health Clinic starting Sept. 12.